With my sincere apologies to Melanie Safka and her song,
“Look what they’ve done to my song, Ma”
Look what they've done with my park, Ma
Look what they've done with my park
Well they made it a backdrop for selfies
And turned it upside down
Look what they've done with my park
Look what they've done with my park
Well they made it a backdrop for selfies
And turned it upside down
Look what they've done with my park
You may need to go get grandpa to help you with the song
reference, it does after all date back to days of yore, when even I was
For fun I looked up the web cam at the Visitor Centre in
Algonquin Park, this is one of the few years we have not been able to spend a
few fall days in the park, so to make myself feel worse about not being able to
get away thought I would take a quick look.
What I saw was nothing unusual, people heading out on the deck that overlooks
the park behind the centre. I have been out on that deck many times myself, I
noticed a difference, a large portion of those who headed onto the deck seemed
to be more interested in seeing themselves than the surrounding park.
The procedure seemed to be head out, spin around back to the
park, adjust pose and clothing, fix hair, arrange any others involved in the
enterprise, take selfie(s).
Step two check that you are shown in best light with the
background just as you had envisioned it, if not repeat step one until you have
‘the’ shot.
Next you may think is to go back over to the railing and
take at least a passing glance at the scenery arrayed before you while facing
it, this it seems is not logical, the park has at this point served its purpose,
background. No, the next step is to hustle back into the building never looking
back, leaving one to speculate that the highlight of the trip is not actually
being there but getting pictures posted so everyone will know you were. Even
more importantly increase the volume of traffic your post has driven to your
site (web not camp), blog or, well you know, with a bit of luck you might go
It is good to get people into parks as it should help them
experience the natural world and to an increased appreciation, leading
to a desire to care for and protect it. The thing about being selfie driven is
that there is no experience of the place, it is simply backdrop in an ongoing
story (theirs), to be replaced in an hour, or a day but change it must, traffic
is fickle and must be driven. (there is a phrase that would not have made sense
when the song was written) The entire experience could be replaced by Photoshop
and a Google search, or one of those backgrounds’ photographers use, just roll
it out when you need it. All they want is something new to fill in the
background, the rest is irrelevant, and they remain unconnected, the rest could
disappear, as long as there is background they will never know the
After I wrote this, I saw a story about a group looking to
raise funds for the care of a historical building, and they said one of the
difficulties of preservation was “Trying to turn people who stare into people
who care.” Very much the same thing, the need to get people to move past casually passing through to involvement, or at the very least interest in the continued existence of those things that serve as the backdrop.
My hope is that when passing through these places that when/if
you stop, make it more than background, take a moment, or many, soak in your
surroundings, even learn about them. Seeing them only as a setting for pictures
has it all upside down, yes it makes awesome background, but they are so much
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