Sunday, 2 June 2013

First post

Welcome to our blog which we hope will be a place where we can share our passion for the outdoors in general and for getting out on the water in particular, it will also be in part about boat building and design.  Where we can share a bit about the boats that are still just paper dreams, those that have to some degree be committed to drafting vellum as sketches or are in some preliminary way being worked out in CAD.  It will be also a place where we can share the joys and some of the not so joyful moments that come in boat building and in particular when working out the details of a new boat.

Should you go to our website you will see that w e have been focusing mainly on kayaks but as illustrated by the small trimaran though we are branching out a little the focus still is backyard boats. That is boats that may not only be kept in the backyard but in many cases will also be built there. Sailing is where I started and have cruised and raced around the Great Lakes from Montreal to Mackinaw and now with the canoes and kayaks many of the rivers and lakes between those two points. The other two Great Lakes are calling as is the endless list of lakes and rivers yet to be explored I do hope we will see you out there somewhere.

To give you a bit more history I have spent about ten years working for a builder of fiberglass boats, worked in the drafting department of a commercial boat builder for a short time then spent a couple of years working in a design office where the focus was at the time on custom boats, with some production and semi-production work thrown in for good measure. Somewhere in the midst of this I also completed the Westlawn course on yacht design.

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